Multifaceted and curious by nature, I like to mix together pieces of apparently distant worlds and learn something new from every person I meet. I am fascinated by the powerful and visceral way people respond to visual shapes, colors and patterns, and I love everything about aesthetics, layout and visual composition. My path in design begins with a degree in Architecture, goes on with a master in Graphic Design, and continues today through workshops and meetings at IED, Scuola Holden and Print Club, readings and daily personal research. In my free time I like to dance traditional folk dances, play my diatonic accordion, keep up to date with the latest design trends and travel in search of new ideas.
Freelance Graphic Designer
Collaborator & graphic designer
Hartmut Grabowski architect
Graphic designer, copy, SMM
Starlife s.r.l.s.
“Book design”
Workshop by Riccardo Falcinelli
“Come funzionano le immagini”
Workshop by Riccardo Falcinelli
“Colore: teoria e pratica”
Workshop by Riccardo Falcinelli
“Anatomia di un logotipo”
Workshop by Dalton Maag
Graphic Tools (Adobe CC)
IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
Master in Graphic Design
iMasterArt - 30/30
Master degree in Architecture for the Sustainability design
Politecnico di Torino - 110 c.l.
Founding member, communication manager and graphic designer for Bal.Un - Balfolk Universitario, an association for the promotion of traditional popular dances and music among young people
I am available both for
wonderful freelance projects
or job offers
P. IVA 12252010017